We are glad to inform that, Faysal Ibne Khair donated a portion of his Zakat in One Taka Fund's Zakat Fund.
It is also noted that he was the first Donor of our Zakat Fund.
We are Thankful to Faysal Ibne Khair for Trusting One Taka Fund to help someone to become self dependent by our Zakat Fund.
You will Happy to Know that last year we received 7320 tk as Zakat. By this fund we helped two person to lift up their position by increasing income source.
This year we already helped 27000+ tk to helped another two person become self dependent.
We will inform you in details of them in our Upcoming Story of Happiness.
It is also noted that he was the first Donor of our Zakat Fund.
We are Thankful to Faysal Ibne Khair for Trusting One Taka Fund to help someone to become self dependent by our Zakat Fund.
You will Happy to Know that last year we received 7320 tk as Zakat. By this fund we helped two person to lift up their position by increasing income source.
This year we already helped 27000+ tk to helped another two person become self dependent.
We will inform you in details of them in our Upcoming Story of Happiness.